I am pleased to announce that my third book, New Testament
Christological Hymns: Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance, is being
released this summer on Aug 7 by IVP Academic. Click here for the link to the
publisher’s page. Focusing on the passages in the New Testament that describe
Jesus in a hymnic style, this book touches on early Christian worship, the
Greco-Roman and Jewish cultural contexts of the New Testament, and the
development of early Christian belief. Comparing these early Christian
compositions to other first century expressions of hymnic praise helps provide new
perspective on the significance of these fascinating and rich passages. It also
gives us a lot to think about for contemporary worshipers of Jesus. Please
check out the web site and see what you think.
If you were to ask me for a little more detail about what the book is about, here is what I would say:
This is a book about worship in the New Testament in which I
show that praise of Jesus uses some of the same language that was used in
praise of the Roman emperor, in part, to emphasize that Jesus was greater than
the emperor. This language, which just sounds religious to us (savior, Lord,
son of God), actually had very significant political implications. To worship
Jesus in this way was to affirm a view of reality that was counter-cultural and
anti-imperial. But this worship of Jesus did not arise from nowhere; it draws
on a long tradition of Jewish resistance poetry that can be traced back through
to some of the oldest poetry of the Hebrew Bible. It also draws on prophetic
promises of divine renewal that were still alive in first century Judaism. So
in the book I argue that we should seek to understand worship passages in the
New Testament in light of their interaction with these larger cultural factors.
When we do so we gain new insight into some of the richest passages in the New
Testament and also into what the earliest worship of Jesus was about. And, if
we take them seriously, there is a challenge for modern Christians in terms of
how we engage with our culture and with the prevailing political powers today.
The book is currently available for pre-order at a discount on the IVP Academic site as well as on Amazon, and will ship on Aug 7, 2018.